Are Your Clients Your Heroes?

#dreamclient #dreamstudent #myclientsmyheroes Jun 13, 2022

Have you ever thought about your clients as your heroes? 

When you work with true Dream Clients, you're mutually heroes to each other. 

Let me explain: When you work with dream clients, you are their go-to person without a single doubt, and once you have their trust, they will follow you wherever you go as long as you're on the path of helping them reach their dreams. 

There is another side to it though. At the same time, if they are truly your Dream Clients, they will also be YOUR heroes, you'll be the proudest of their successes, seeing them thrive will lift you up and you will strive for more to make their journey easier and more enjoyable, and to reach their results faster. 


As Dan Sullivan says in his book "Who Do You Want To Be a Hero To?", you are literally operating with their version of the future in mind. 


When working with true Dream Clients, enabling their improvements and growth will exponentially accelerate your own. 

So what about all the others who don't fall into the dream client category? Well, they will be important to someone else, but that's not something you should worry about. That would drain the energy you need to pour into your true dream clients.


So what can you do right now about those who don't fit into your world (whether they are existing students or new contacts)?

The single best thing to do is refer them to someone else you know and trust. 

As a newbie school owner, I felt ashamed when I had to say "no" to someone. Until I built a pool of others I knew and trusted, who were in the same niche but had a different style. So instead of saying "no", I referred people to those other academies. Some were surprised and even asked me: "Don't you want more students?" My reply was, of course, I wanted more students, but those I could serve at my best and those who had objectives for which my method worked the best. 


Are you ready to try this? Make a list of potential providers you can refer people to, right now. And next time someone comes who isn't the right fit, there you have your answer. 

Remember, each non-fit client you refer to someone else, makes room for your next Dream Client.

And if you want more clarity on your Dream Clients (Dream Students) and connect with more of them as an entrepreneur in education,



You'll get clear on narrowing down your public, and will take the first and most important step towards a thriving teaching business. 

Will be glad to see you inside!

7 Days to Academy Bliss - The Secret Podcast Series

If you're not a member but eager to elevate your academy, 7 Days to Academy Bliss is your perfect next step! Check it out if you feel you have an amazing academy but you deserve more, your family deserves better, and your kids deserve more of you.

I look forward to seeing you inside.

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