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Your Money Mindset, Your Worth! #getpaidwhatyoureworth #money #moneymindset #pricing Mar 27, 2022

Est. reading time: 5 minutes - thank you for devoting this time to YOUR GROWTH today


We are getting close to the time of the year when brand owners review their prices and structure and get started to prepare for the coming academic year.

For the first years of running my school, this was...

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Get More Students with Amazing Testimonials #dreamstudent #testimonials Jan 25, 2022

Last week I spoke to you about internal feedback; now it's time to cover PUBLIC testimonials!


Est. reading time: 5 minutes - thank you for devoting this time to YOUR GROWTH today



If you haven't read my last article about internal feedback, you can access it right here; it's...

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Your magic wand to more students without overwhelm #dreamstudent #feedback Jan 17, 2022

 Whenever I ask my tribe, "What would you wish for if you had a magic wand?",

"More students!" is the most common answer.

The truth is, you DO have that magic wand. And it's YOUR EXISTING STUDENTS. A satisfied and happy student will rave about you to everyone they know.


Now... do you...

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Don't make your business about working with the broke #getpaidwhatyoureworth pricing Dec 06, 2021

Let me start with a quote today.



"Never make your business about working with the broke and broken - that's what charity is for. So your job is to work with the highest value, highest end person because if you work with the broke and broken, you're going to resent your...

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Letting go of Control #team boss peoplemanagement Nov 29, 2021

The game of trust. How to not freak out when you let other people represent your business as your team... 


Est. reading time: 6 minutes - thank you for devoting this time to your growth today 



I'd like to draw your attention to something you can't skip if...

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The Enrollment Method You Haven't Thought Of #enrollment #termsandconditions Oct 25, 2021

As a teaching business owner, you will know that the most common enrollment strategy in education businesses is yearly, monthly, or package renewal initiated by the student.

Today I invite you to consider taking that ownership over and have AUTOMATIC renewal in YOUR hand. Only asking the...

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Attract Your Dream Students Into Your Teaching Business #boundaries #dreamstudent #getmorestudents #getpaidwhatyoureworth Oct 14, 2021


This is a replay of our recent Dream Student Workshop.

It will help you...

...Cut through the noise and attract your Dream Clients with ONE single message.

...Set boundaries and build your business around your life and not the other way around.

...Increase your prices even in an...

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Does your teaching business allow you to live your life to the fullest potential? dreamlife zoneofgenius Aug 30, 2021

Besides switching off, I like to use my holidays for big things to settle in my head. So this weekend, I was re-reading The Big Leap from Gay Hendricks.


Like I mentioned to some of you at School Owner Club LIVE the other day, I'm processing some massive guilt for having closed my...

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How many hours a week do you work in your teaching business? dreamlife dreamweek Aug 20, 2021

Looking at your average workweek, how many hours do you definitely have to be at your office or be available at your teaching business, at your academy, at your school? What are your working hours?

How does your dream week look like? 

When working on your plan for the year, you...

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How many students do you need? #dreamstudent Aug 10, 2021

"I don't know how many students I need, but I know I need more."


I hear the above phrase a lot from school owners, teacherpreneurs, solo teachers, so I decided to dedicate this post to it. 


What is the problem with wanting "more" students? 


It's simple....

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Why sharing your students' contact details with your teachers is a NO NO NOOOOOO... #competition #copycats #dataprotection #team May 22, 2021

When you evolve from being a solo teacher to a school manager, there are countless things you need to take care of. You become responsible for the income of your team too, not just your own.


You need to start documenting your processes better, so that everyone can follow the same...

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How "doubling" our prices helped us double the number of our DREAM students #dreamstudent #getpaidwhatyourworth May 19, 2021


If you had 100% dream students, according to what you consider a “dream student” now, would you be fully satisfied? Would you say, “Yes, this is what I wanted, this is all I’ve dreamed of!”

Or would you think: “Ok, this is nice, but actually my...

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